Everybody needs a voice! We offer voice therapy to children and adults. Dysphonia can affect any one of any age.

Voices change for lots of reasons. If a change in voice quality (aka dysphonia) becomes chronic or impacts on someone’s quality of life it can be difficult to manage and sometimes distressing. Voice change can result from various factors such as misuse of the voice, medical conditions, neurological disorders, or lifestyle factors. It can significantly impact a person’s ability to communicate effectively, express emotions, be successful in the workplace and engage in social interactions. If you are experiencing voice change or voice loss or a sore, tired throat or if you’re struggling with your speaking voice for everyday conversations then voice therapy might be helpful for you.

Voice Therapy:

VoiceFit is dedicated to helping adults and children regain, or in some cases optimise, the control, clarity and strength in their voices. We provide an accessible, holistic and evidence based approach to the management of voice disorders in adults and children.  Our approach involves a comprehensive assessment to identify the underlying causes of the voice disorder and personalised therapy strategies to address each individual’s unique needs.

To start voice therapy a client needs to have seen an ENT doctor within the last six months for laryngeal examination and diagnosis. There may be some exceptions to this. Please contact Tor at VoiceFit for names of recommended consultants or to discuss how voice therapy might help you.

Here’s what you can expect from voice therapy sessions:

  1. Thorough Assessment: of voice quality, breathing patterns, breathing to speech coordination and other observations.  Voice therapy also involves getting to know the person having treatment. Our voices are a huge part of us as unique individuals so your therapist will want to get to know you, what you use your voice for and the impact of the symptoms.
  2. Vocal Health Education: Maintaining optimal vocal health is crucial for preventing and managing a healthy voice. Voice therapy sessions include education on vocal health practices such as staying hydrated, avoiding vocal miss-use, and minimising exposure to irritants. When working with children, it is beneficial to have the parents/carers involved so that everyone in the child’s life can work together to support optimal voice care.
  3. Vocal Exercises and Warm-ups: Voice therapy often begins with a series of vocal exercises and warm-ups aimed at increasing vocal flexibility, strength, and endurance. These exercises may include breathing exercises, vocal resonance exercises, and tongue and lip exercises to promote proper articulation.
  4. Breath Support Techniques: A healthy breathing pattern is essential for healthy vocal production. Voice therapy sessions may include exercises to improve breathing, increase breath control, and optimise vocal projection.
  5. Resonance and Pitch Training: For individuals with pitch or resonance issues, voice therapy may involve training exercises to modify vocal resonance and adjust pitch levels. These exercises help improve vocal quality and reduce strain on the vocal cords.
  6. Articulation and Phonation Exercises: Clear articulation and efficient phonation are vital for effective communication. Voice therapy may include exercises to enhance articulatory precision, improve phonation, and minimise vocal strain.
  7. Stress Reduction and Relaxation Techniques: Stress and tension can impact voice production. Voice therapy sessions may incorporate relaxation techniques such as mindfulness, easy breathing, and vocal massage to reduce muscle tension and promote vocal relaxation.
  8. Voice Monitoring and Feedback: Throughout voice therapy, you will receive ongoing feedback and guidance from the speech therapist. Monitoring vocal progress and adjusting therapy strategies as needed ensures continuous improvement and optimal outcomes.
  9. Home Practice and Reinforcement: Consistent practice of stategies is essential for achieving lasting results. Voice therapy sessions include guidance on home practice exercises and strategies to reinforce therapy goals between sessions.
  10. Collaborative Goal Setting: Voice therapy is a collaborative process between you and the speech therapist. Together, we set realistic goals tailored to your specific needs and track progress to ensure we’re on the right path to vocal rehabilitation.

Voice therapy is a dynamic and empowering process that helps people to take control of their voices and overcome vocal challenges. Whether you’re a professional speaker, singer, or someone who simply wants to use their voice with clarity and confidence, voice therapy offers the support and guidance you need to achieve your vocal goals.

We offer VOCAL acupuncture to adults as part of voice therapy alongside traditional voice therapy techniques. To find out more about how this could help you contact us to chat about it.

Clinic Locations:

THATCHAM – Total Heath West Berkshire, Lower Henwick Farm, Turnpike Road, Thatcham, RG18 3AP – Tuesdays only

READING – The Forbury Clinic, 23 Craven Road, Reading, RG1 5LE – Fridays only

OXFORD – The Manor Hospital, Beech Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7RP – Thursdays only

Virtual video consultations are also available – Mondays only

Therapy prices:

  • Initial assessment and advice session (up to 60 minutes) £125
  • Therapy session (up to 45 minutes).  £75
  • Some patients may have treatment funded by their health insurance. Tor Spence is a registered speech therapy provider for most of the UK’s health insurers. Please confirm with your insurance provider if they will fund your speech therapy and ask them for an authorisation code before booking an appointment with VoiceFit.