Voice and Upper Airway Book Reviews
My five top texts:
Voice Work: Art and Science in Changing Voices By Christina Shewell. A perfect combination of art and science when it comes to voice and it’s packed full of practical ideas on improving breath, voice, posture and vocal health.
Speech Pathology Management of Chronic Refractory Cough and related disorders. By Anne Vertigan & Peter Gibson. The chronic cough bible for speech therapists! It has helped me develop my skills and the service I run and really understand the evidence base and theory behind chronic unexplained cough. A must read!
Laryngeal Endoscopy and Voice Therapy. A Clinical Guide. By Sue Jones. This helped me achieve my voice clinic and laryngoscopy competencies but it remains a brilliant guide to return to when updating procedures and ensuring good practice. It’s also great for the developing voice therapist and students in voice placements.
Psychosocial Perspectives on the Management of Voice Disorders. By Janet Baker. Clinically helpful and evidenced based. The second section is particularly relevant for speech therapists learning how to incorporate counselling skills into their voice therapy approaches. It’s very clear and easy to read and follow. Inspiring for immediate use with patients as you read it. Includes some nice case studies and discussions.
Complete Guide to Respiratory Care in Athletes. Edited by John Dickinson & James Hull. A very detailed look at breathlessness in athletes. Most relevant to me are the excellent sections about exercise induced laryngeal obstruction, dysfunctional breathing patterns, allergic rhinitis in athletes and I learnt a lot more about respiratory system function during exercise. A very helpful read for me as I joined the airways MDT. Helped with MDT patient management and improved my knowledge.
Category: SLT development